TeraCopy Pro 2.3 Final adalah software yang dapat membantu untuk mempercepat proses copy paste di komputer atau laptop anda. Bagi anda yang sering melakukan kegiatan copy paste ke flash disk dan merasa kalau kecepatan transfer file yang anda lakukan sangat lambat, sudah saatnya anda mencoba menggunakan software untuk mempercepat proses transfer file ini.
Dengan menggunakan TeraCopy Pro ini anda dapat melakukan pause dan resume suatu proses copy paste. Disini saya sudah sediakan link download beserta serial numbernya untuk mengaktifkan software TeraCopy Pro 2014 ini agar menjadi software full version.
Key features TeraCopy Pro :
- Allows you to check the CRC and compare options before and after copying / moving.
- The program copies from multiple files using a special buffer.
- Easily integrates into the conductor, replacing the standard copy dialog.
- Ability to pause and resume copying.
- Ability to skip a file in the queue for copying.
- Asynchronous copy and increase the speed of transmission between two hard drives.
- Full support for Unicode.
- Added: ‘Remove other’ to remove non-selected files from the list [Pro].
- Added: Better handling multiple copy processes.
- Added: Multiple retries to delete source files and folders after moving.
- Added: Tray notification when adding files to the existing process.
- Fixed: Problem with some non-Latin filenames.
- Fixed: Copied files now have a correct creation time.
- Added: WaitBeforeMinimize option to ini file.
Download link : LINK
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